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5 Growth Opportunities for Watersports Service Providers in Dubai

In the rapidly expanding market of watersports, staying ahead of the competition means not only offering exceptional services but also mastering the art of attracting and retaining customers. Here are five strategic tips to help your watersports business boost its bookings through effective marketing and customer engagement.

1. Building a Community

"Together is better" is definitely a phrase that resonates within the watersports community. There’s nothing better than being out on the water with friends or like-minded individuals. Building a community not only makes the sport more enjoyable but also encourages frequent bookings as it transforms the activity into a social event. Participants are rewarded with new friendships and memories. One of the best ways to build a community is by organizing camps and bundling your offerings with other activities such as brunch and ice baths.

2. Offer Add-Ons

Many watersports providers miss the opportunity to sell add-ons with bookings. Some potential add-ons include:

Hydration: Products like Pocari Sweat, Gatorade, and coconut water.

Sun Protection: Sunscreen and tanning oil.

Swag: Branded hats or shirts.

3. Offering Coaching

Many enthusiasts are eager to improve and learn new tricks but often find themselves plateauing. Offering coaching sessions can motivate customers to continue their learning journey. Achieving new skills makes them feel accomplished and encourages them to book more sessions.

4. Run Competitions

Watersports are fun but they are also competitive sports. You don’t need large competitions with huge prize money; you can encourage your loyal customers to compete against each other in performing the coolest tricks. This not only increases engagement but also builds a vibrant community.

5. Offer Dynamic Pricing

Differentiate between peak and non-peak hours to increase bookings during less busy times for price-sensitive customers. Non-peak hours typically have a lower average utilization rate, representing a missed opportunity. Even if you just break even, it’s important to keep acquiring customers and growing the total number of bookings you have. This strategy helps you maintain your market share.